Monday, March 24, 2008

Random Purchases

Room Interior is having a buy 1 free 1 promotion on selected items and i bought some for my boutique decoration.

Peace Magnets; comes with 2 sets of alphabetical and numbering magnets and also a few flower and heart prints magnets. It is fun because I can form any words that I like!

Minimalist Duck

Sit'N Duck

Prettify my ducks

These Luxury Ducks are collectible ducks designed by Bud. Both of the above ducks are from the old series of Deluxe Ducks (2002/2003) which are now no longer produced. No wonder they sold it for buy 1 free 1. But old is gold, who knows one day it will became limited editions and are hunted down for their rarity. For sure, i'll begin tracking down the rest of the collections.

Baby bb

Instead of piggy bank, it is called BB Bank. BB Bank Collection comes in 5 colours, however only blue, yellow and black are available. I like the pink one though!



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